Gift of Hospitality

The gift of hospitality is defined as the ability to make others feel welcome (Romans 12:13). This gift is often combined with such natural talents like cooking, event planning, and interior design.

People who have this gift view their home as a place of ministry and enjoy inviting people over. God has enabled them a longing to share their home, personal space and resources without communicating a need of performance or an expectation of anything in return.

They also need to be aware of the tendency to that being hospitable is behind the scenes and they actually want to hide behind the scenes.

Christian Spiritual Gift of Hospitality

What is the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality?

The Christian spiritual gift of hospitality refers to the ability or inclination to warmly welcome and care for others, particularly strangers, guests, or people in need. This gift is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

How do you use the Spiritual Gift of Hospitality?

The Christian spiritual gift of hospitality is a wonderful gift that enables believers to show love and kindness to others by welcoming them into their homes and lives. Hospitality is not just about entertaining or providing food.